Duration: 5 hours
More and more our young students are presenting with social, emotional and behavioural challenges that if left unaddressed can manifest in various nonproductive and disruptive ways in our schools. It is therefore of utmost importance that we identify these challenges and seek to positively address them in their infancy. This workshop aims to give participants an understanding of some of these challenges and strategies for dealing with them.
Workshop Description
This workshop seeks to develop the capacity of teachers of primary aged students and others working in social care and education contexts, to understand some of the underlying issues that may result in primary aged students displaying emotional and behavioral challenges. It provides a framework for developing structures which offer effective, pro-active, positive behavioral support and responsive strategies.
Components include:
- Understanding Emotional and Behavioral and Developmental disorders: Autism, Asperger's, ADHD, Conduct Disorder
- Functional Behavioral Assessment and how it can be used to support your students (Tool that help us understand the ‘WHY’ of challenging behaviors)
- Positive replacement behaviors (Teaching replacement behaviors and preferable responses)
- Positive Behavior Management Structures (Developing a clear system of routines, expectations, student goals, student responsibilities, rewards, and incentive systems)
- Implementing Restorative Practices and Positive relationships (e.g. affective statements, community circles)
Learning Outcomes
By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:
- Identify some of the common emotional and behavioral, and developmental disorders.
- Identify traits associated with emotional and behavioral, and developmental disorders.
- Explain positive behaviors that can be taught to children to replace unwanted behaviors.
- Utilize positive behavioral management structures with students.
Target Participants
Mainstream teachers at the primary level; Teachers in Special Education contexts; Pre-service teachers and support staff.
Please bring a laptop or some other Smart technological device.