We provide high quality training and professional development for educators.

Strategically Yours! Pedagogy and Principles that Support Reading

Tutor: Ms. Sharon Warner

Duration: 5 hours

Workshop Description:

Strategies are generally considered as learning techniques that make learning more effective and efficient (Oxford and Crookall, 1989).  Reading strategies are flexible tools that readers use deliberately to figure out what a text means. These tools are very important for readers.  As such, reading strategies designate how readers perceive a task,  how they make sense of what they read, and what they do when they do not understand.   Hence teachers must facilitate a range of reading strategies that will enable learners to automatically and routinely apply combinations of effective and appropriate strategies depending on his/her reader goals, reading tasks, and strategic processing abilities. This workshop is designed to equip attendees with a repertoire of reading strategies designed to enhance reading proficiency in learners.

Learning Outcomes:

By attending and participating in this workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Explainthe term reading strategy.
  • Distinguish among the various reading strategies.
  • Select appropriate strategies for instruction according to the purpose of reading.
  • Explore the link between critical thinking and selecting appropriate reading strategies.

Materials required:

  • Bristol board
  • Markers
  • Scissors
  • Masking tape
  • Rulers
  • Cover Stock
  • Ring binders

Target population: Teachers at the primary and secondary levels.