We provide high quality training and professional development for educators.

TOS – Table of Specifications

Duration:       5 hours

Workshop Description

This workshop is designed to expose participants to the concept of the Table of Specification, its purpose and construction.  Participants will get an understanding of what a TOS is, what it is developed to do and how it is used to develop and assessment.  Participants will therefore get the opportunity to develop Tables of Specification at the micro level, single topics on an assessment before combining these to develop an assessment at the macro level. and later

Learning Outcomes

By attending and participating in this workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Define what is a Table of Specification.
  • Explain the different parts of a Table of Specification
  • Explain how the Table of Specification is used.
  • Develop Tables of specification for individual topics in a given subject
  • Combine Tables of Specification to create a more comprehensive TOS.
  • Appreciate the use of TOS in items and test construction.

Targeted Participants

Teachers at the primary and secondary levels; Subject Coordinators and Heads of Department; Instructional Leaders.


Please bring a laptop or some other Smart technological device.