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Implementing STEAM (Science Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) integration in a Project-based learning environment of the Primary School Classroom

Tutor: Dr. David Samuel

Duration: 5 hours

Workshop description

This proposed workshop aims to tackle the need for more complete multidisciplinary learning activities in primary school instruction and for students’ acquisition of 21st-century skills by introducing teachers to the instructional strategies required to implement STEAM education in a project-based learning environment. The focus will be on using the content of the Barbados primary school science curriculum to design and implement engaging and activity-oriented STEAM-based lessons and project-based lessons suitable for different grade levels.

Learning Outcomes

By attending and participating in this workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Review the meanings and relationships between Science, Technology, Engineering Arts and Mathematics.
  • Review the background and rationale for STEAM integration in primary school education.
  • Review the 21st-century skills promoted in students from STEM integration.
  • Review the meaning of project-based learning in the context of primary school instruction.
  • Review the requirements for planning a STEAM-focused class timetable.
  • Use the Barbados primary school curriculum to organize unit and lesson plans to facilitate STEAM instruction and project-based learning.
  • Identify and use instructional strategies to facilitate STEAM integration and project-based learning.
  • Perform and report on investigative STEAM activities based on content from the primary school science curriculum.

Target population: Primary school teachers at all grade levels.

Materials required:

  • Handouts to be printed for participants
  • Laboratory equipment
  • Materials purchased from supermarkets
  • Hardware stores suitable for inquiry-based activities