We provide high quality training and professional development for educators.

Leadership for Learning; Facilitating Instructional Leadership in Schools

Tutor: Dr. Colin Cumberbatch

Duration: 5 hours

Workshop Description

The aim of this workshop is to examine the local context to determine the factors most likely to impact on an educational leader’s ability to lead learning within the institution. Attempts will also be made to identify those activities that dominate the attention of school leaders, and measures which can be put in place to negate the impact of these activities. These factors will be examined within the local context and recommendations made for suitably appropriate practices which can be employed within schools, to aid in enhanced or improved student learning outcomes.

Learning Outcomes

By attending and participating in this workshop, persons will be able to:

  • Identify those activities which dominate the attention of a school leader in Barbados.
  • Apply strategies and approaches for addressing and dealing with these activities.
  • Identify the key activities needed to be undertaken to lead learning in educational institutions in Barbados.
  • Identify the factors needed to be addressed to effectively lead instruction in schools.
  • Share best practices in leading instruction in schools.

Target Participants:

  • Principals
  • Deputy Principals
  • Year Heads,
  • Heads of Departments,
  • Senior Teachers,
  • Subject Coordinators 
  • Aspiring leaders at the Primary Level and Secondary levels.