We provide high quality training and professional development for educators.

Teacher Mentorship

Facilitator: Ms. Keisha Waithe

Duration: 5 Hours 

Workshop Description 

The teacher mentorship workshop will be a one-day workshop for five hours. The workshop will consist of two segments: the morning session from 9:00am to 12:00pm and the afternoon session from 1:00pm to 3:00pm. This workshop is designed to equip teachers with the necessary skills and strategies which are essential, to effectively mentor new teachers and those with less experience.

The aim is not only to understand the positive impact teacher mentorship can have on the mentee and the professional opportunities it can provide for the mentor as well; but to provide teacher mentors and aspiring mentors, with the competencies and aptitude necessary to successfully mentor teachers and assist them in developing the level of professionalism, which is required to become an effective teacher.

This workshop will therefore, seek to establish a guide for mentor teachers in what is required to establish professional learning communities, whereby new teachers can learn from them and work together in an effort to provide a high standard of instruction for their students.

Learning Outcomes

By attending and participating in this workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the concept of teacher mentorship
  • Learn the skills and strategies required for teacher mentorship
  • Apply the skills and strategies for teacher mentorship to effectively mentor teachers
  • Demonstrate how the best practices of teacher mentorship, can enhance instruction in the classroom
  • Recognise the benefits of teacher mentorship to the mentor, mentee and students

Target Population

The workshop seeks to target teachers across the education system in Barbados. It also seeks to attract teachers who have been chosen by their principal, to provide mentorship to younger teachers and those teachers who are interested and desirous, in providing mentorship for younger teachers in the future.


  • bristol board
  • makers 
  • masking tape
  • light blue & white (letter size) paper
  • construction paper
  • play dough
  • flip charts
  • flip chart paper