We provide high quality training and professional development for educators.



ETTC Application Forms Are Available!

Programmes for the Academic Year 2023-2024



 Bachelor of Education (Primary) Programme 

This programme is designed to cater to the initial training needs of untrained teachers or persons who are desirous of entering the teaching profession.  Additionally, it caters to trained teachers who do not possess an undergraduate degree.  Hence, the B.Ed. programme makes provision for credits to be awarded for courses successfully completed in other programmes of study such as the Associate Degree in Education (ADE) and/or the Two-Year In-Service Teachers’ Certificate. 

Application Fee is $50.00

Amenities Fee is $475.00 per annum




  Postgraduate Diploma in Education (Secondary) 

 This one year programme is designed for graduate teachers at the secondary level who teach Art and Craft, Business Studies/Information Technology, English, Geography/History/Social Studies, Home Economics/Clothing and Textiles, Mathematics, Modern Languages, Music, Physical Education, Religious Education, and Science.

 Applicants must possess at least a Bachelor’s degree from a recognised university.  Persons teaching subjects outside their degree specialisation may also apply to this programme.  Teachers must have secured a place at a secondary school and be timetabled for at least 12 periods a week in the area in which they wish to be trained.

The programme includes a four-week compulsory online summer component and classes two evenings per week during the three terms.

Application Fee is $50.00

Amenities Fee is $475.00 per annum



Postgraduate Diploma in Educational Leadership

 This programme is designed for trained graduate teachers at the primary and secondary levels who are desirous of becoming administrators in the education system.


Classes are scheduled from 4:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m., two (2) evenings per week during the terms.  A two-week summer component will be held during the summer of 2023.

Application Fee is $50.00

Tuition Fee is $1,200.00




In-Service Certificate Programme for Teachers of Physical Education and Music

 To access this programme, individuals MUST possess an Associate Degree in Physical Education or Music from Barbados Community College or any approved institution.

 Sessions will be conducted two evenings per week from 4:30 – 7:30 p.m. 

Application Fee is $50.00

Amenities Fee is $475.00 per annum




The Vocational Teachers’ Training Programme in Adult Education

 This programme is designed to broaden the perspective of instructors at the secondary and tertiary levels as they address local issues facing technical and vocational education.  The one-year programme is delivered on a one-day-release basis.

              To be eligible for the training programme, participants should be persons who:


possess the appropriate qualification required to deliver training in their respective institutions (SJPI, BVTB and secondary schools that deliver CVQs).


 possess at least a Level 2 vocational qualification and ten (10) years experience in teaching.


 have a recognised qualification in the area of specialisation  and (10) years experience in teaching or in industry. 

There will be a four-week online summer component. Please be advised that full attendance for the summer component of all programmes is mandatory. 

Application Fee is $50.00

Amenities Fee is $475.00 per annum




Postgraduate Diploma in Special Education

 The programme is an in-service professional development programme for teachers of both primary and secondary schools, who possess a first degree but have not been exposed to any professional training in teaching. The focus of this programme will be on developing competencies in the teaching of students with exceptionalities.

 The programme includes a two-week online summer component and classes two evenings per week during the three terms.

Applicants MUST possess a Bachelor’s Degree

A current school assignment would be an asset (In the teaching service)

 Application Fee is $50.00

Amenities Fee is $475.00 per annum


How to Apply

o Online Applications remain open until April 28th 2023.

o As part of the application process, you will be required to submit one or more of the following:

  • Certified copies of certificates, diplomas and degrees
  • Certified copies of Birth/Baptismal, Marriage Certificates
  • Passport sized photograph
  • An official certificate of a doctor’s evaluation verifying your medical capacity to pursue the programme.

o A non-refundable application fee should be paid at the ETTC Accounts Department, Monday to Friday, during the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m.  The deadline for payment of application fees is 30 May 2022.   Please note that the application will not be considered unless the application fee has been paid.

o Classes will be facilitated using a remote and/or blended delivery. To ensure students can effectively participate in courses, they will require a laptop or desktop computer.  The following is recommended:

Minimum Recommended Hardware

8 gigabytes of memory (RAM)

100+ GB Hard Drive


(Optional) Headset with mic / earbuds with mic for online instruction

Recommended Software

Microsoft Windows 8 or above

Microsoft Office (available free to actively enrolled Erdiston students)

Self-updating security software that protects against viruses and malware


*Thank you for choosing ETTC!*