We provide high quality training and professional development for educators.

Literacy Diagnostic Assessment and Early Intervention Centre

Literacy is an essential foundational skill that is required for persons to function effectively in modern life. Early diagnosis of deficits in literacy is needed to identify gaps so that the necessary corrective measures can be taken. Too often students’ difficulties in the area of literacy are detected but are not addressed early in their development. Consequently, students are al- lowed to saunter through the system from primary to secondary with these deficits only to exit the school system many years later totally incapable of meeting the literacy demands of everyday life. Consequently, many of them suffer from poor self-esteem, become involved in crime and end up incarcerated where they become a further drain on the system.


The Assistant Administrator, LDAEIC Erdiston,

The Erdiston Teachers’ Training College Pine Hill,

St. Michael

Email: informationerdiston@ettc.edu.bb
Telephone: 232-0391 (Cell)


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