We provide high quality training and professional development for educators.

Campus Life


Welcome to the Maureen Lucas Library at the Erdiston Teachers’ Training College.

The library serves as an intellectual gathering place that fosters learning, educational, research and personal fulfillment.

Our goals are to support the curriculum and programmes offered by the College, and to foster the teaching, research and learning needs of our academic community, by providing the necessary materials, resources and information services.  In an attempt to achieve these goals, the library provides access to materials that covers a variety of subject areas in its open stack, reference, reserve, teaching practice, west indian and newspaper clippings collections. Periodicals, audiovisual and electronic resources via the EBSCOhost databases are also available to support your research and information needs.  Our dedicated staff are very knowledgeable and extremely helpful, making the library experience comfortable and productive. We encourage you to take advantage of the services and resources we offer as we aim to support the vision and mission of the College.