We provide high quality training and professional development for educators.

Programmes & Courses

Postgraduate Diploma in Special Education

Criteria/Requirements for Admission

Applicants must have:

  • a degree from an accredited university
  • at least five (5) years’ experience in an educational capacity in the nursery, primary, secondary or special education sectors.

Programme Description

The Postgraduate Diploma in Special Education is a one-year programme. Its main objective is to have educators be able to recognise and provide remediation for students with exceptionalities, in mainstream and special education settings.

The programme exposes participants to the latest cutting-edge research and developments in the area of exceptionalities including those related to foundations, curriculum, assessment and research, neuroscience, etiology (causes), management and interventions. Persons pursuing this programme are required to complete 20 weeks of teaching practice in an inclusive classroom setting.

Learning Outcomes:

  1. Apply the knowledge of philosophical, sociological and psychological factors to the learning and development of children and adolescents with and without exceptionalities
  2. Organise the educational environment to better facilitate and cater to the emotional, social, psychological and learning needs of children with exceptionalities
  3. Apply understandings of contemporary educational research and practices to teaching and learning in inclusive settings
  4. Demonstrate knowledge of Caribbean educational systems and the implications for teaching at the nursery, primary, secondary and special school levels
  5. Utilise authentic assessment to identify students with special learning needs
  6. Evaluate the learning and developmental needs of individual students within the inclusive environment
  7. Develop rigorous programmes to stimulate and enhance self-worth and self-determination, social cohesion, belongingness and active participation in our diverse student population
  8. Employ a variety of learner-centred approaches to facilitate the development of critical thinking and self-management skills in diverse student populations
  9. Practise assessment literacy to address challenges and support student learning
  10. Value the importance of a positive self-concept to foster communication and interpersonal skills in our practitioners and students
  11. Demonstrate competence in reflective practice and the use of self and peer evaluation to enhance teaching and learning
  12. Exhibit expertise in leadership, advocacy and social justice in day-to-day functioning and practice
  13. Utilise skills in research and inquire to address specific areas for improvement in special education

Programme Structure

The programme requires participants to complete six (6) courses and a teaching practicum of twenty (20) weeks.

The courses required are:

PGDSE 6000: Intro to Curriculum Development, Adaptation & Practice in Special Education.

PGDSE 6001: Understanding Exceptionalities I

PGDSE 6002: Education Foundations in Special Education

PGDSE 6003: Classroom Assessment & Research in Special Education

PGDSE 6004: Neuroscience & Special Education

PGDSE 6005: Understanding Exceptionalities II – Behaviour Modification. & Intervention

PGDSE 6006: Teaching Practicum


General Fees

The fees identified below are for Barbadian students.  Non-Barbadian students should contact the College for information on the fees, which apply to them.

Application Fee: BDS $50.00 (nonrefundable)

Amenities Fee: BDS $475.00

A late payment fee of $50.00 will be added to amenities fees not paid by the due date.

Who may Apply

This programme is open to suitably qualified teachers who wish to be learn and be certified in the area of Special Education.