We provide high quality training and professional development for educators.

Programmes & Courses

Various Courses in the Division of Continuing Education


The courses listed  will be offered during the academic year September 2024 – June 2025.  Please note that all course fees include an application fee of BDS$50.00 which is non-refundable.

Please visit our website at ettc.edu.bb to access the application forms and additional information on the application process.

Courses which are undersubscribed will not be offered.


These courses cater to all teachers from the public and private schools at the nursery, primary and secondary levels. In addition, persons from the general public who are desirous of engaging in personal and professional development may also access the courses.  Participants are expected to approach the selected course(s) with commitment and enthusiasm. Therefore, selection of the desired course(s) is critical. A certificate will be awarded to each person who successfully completes a course. 


  1. Applicants MUST REGISTER AND PAY COURSE FEES IN FULL by the registration deadline. 
  2. Teachers in the government service may access the courses at a reduced cost. Hence, their forms MUST be signed by the Principal and stamped with the stamp of the school to which they are attached. CSEC courses do not fall within this category.
  3. If, for any reason, a course participant has to discontinue classes, the Coordinator must be informed promptly, in writing.
  4. Participants will not be reimbursed if they have attended four (4) classes or if the course has been taught for four (4) weeks in the semester. However, participants will be reimbursed 50 % of the total fee if they attend classes for (2) weeks only.
  5. Fees may be paid at the Accounts Department, Monday to Friday, during the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. or at SurePay. A late fee of $50.00 will be charged on unpaid tuition fees until payments are paid in full.  
  6. All participants are requested to complete an evaluation form at the end of each semester.
  7. A certificate will be awarded on the successful completion of each course. Participants are required to collect their certificates from the College and sign on receipt of the same.

Programme Structure

The following courses will be offered during the academic year September 2024– June 2025.  Please note that courses which are undersubscribed will not be offered.

  • Action Research
  • Advanced Counselling
  • Advanced Special Education
  • Basic Counselling
  • Child Protection Education: Tools for Early Learners
  • Classroom Management
  • Coding and Robotics Level 1
  • Education, Care and Development in the Early Years – Level I
  • Education, Care and Development in the Early Years - Level 2
  • Exploring your Artistic Ability
  • Introduction to Conversational Spanish
  • Introduction to Special Education
  • Advanced Special Education
  • Introductory Psychology
  • Planning for Instruction
  • Sign Language
  • Strategies for Teaching Language Arts
  • Strategies for Teaching Mathematics
  • Strategies for Teaching Reading
  • Technological Skills for the 21st century


General Fees

Application Fee:  Not Applicable


Introduction to Special Education:  BDS $1220.00

Advanced Special Education: BDS $940.00

Coding & Robotics Level 1: BDS $1200.00

Sign Language: Free

CSEC courses

  • Mathematics/ English or Social Studies ($350. 00).
  • Integrated Science ($500.00)
  • Integrated Science ($500.00) and Mathematics/ English or Social Studies ($350. 00). Payment for the two courses will be $750.00.
  • Any two (Mathematics/Social Studies/English A) will cost $600.00.

Who May Apply

Application for Continuing Education courses is open to all educators and members of the general public.

Please read the information on the COURSE SCHEDULE and CONTENT before you apply.


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